Bits & Pieces

Bits & Pieces, here & there.... Come join the fun and see what's happening!!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006


last night i met up with Kelly and Eddie, we ate, spoke and smoked. she said that i have changed alot in form of attitude, appearance not so much (hehehe..good). she asked me why i chose ronnie? it was such an easy question so my answer was "simple". he was so simple when i met him, he was in his lousiest shorts, the thinnest white t-shirt, slippers and a wira that had roaches in it! Kelly knew both Ken and Tim (my ex). she laughed and then said those were just beautiful "accessories" (referring to my ex's) and ronnie had unknowingly moulded me from hot-headed to calm, party animal to a good mum and blah blah blah...

i looked at my inner-self and asked if i had really changed that much? i remember billy once told me a few years back that eversince i had renee, i had lost my "chao pei hei", i think having kids will have effect on a person's lifestyle+temper. like what AM wrote, kids are our teachers and so are we(something like that la). kelly also added that i see things with a fuller view now, wider perspective, not so playful (in other words more mature). *sob sob, old liao*

on a seperate note, both allan and mel will be moving back to seputeh soon, the latter maybe next year but allan will be in april. when he told me, i was overwhelmed cum flabbergasted, but same time i also told him sadly "but i will be moving to lake fields adi wo". i was just telling julie tay the other day how i missed our teenage times with allan, beatrice, mel, laiman etc...we had no worries, no committments, all single and all out to laugh and enjoy. we look back and we have known each other for an alarming 18 years! wow...sometimes in life, small things will drift us apart, but no matter what happens, be it good or bad, rough or smooth, we are still darn good of a friend when we sit tgth. we bitch to confront of our problems to the person we are not haapy about and next we know, we will shrug shoulders again. through the years we had so many confrontations but it will NEVER affect us.

so...please do not let anything come between us too AM, OD and IS! let's age together and hang on to one another, should there be times when i am rude or non-responsive, please excuse me and move on. OD and i too have known each other for 16-17 years, as for AM and IS, a little less than 6, so again, appreciate out relationship and courtship, there is a reason why HE let us meet!



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