Bits & Pieces

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Friday, February 03, 2006

in reply to yuko's condition...

dear friends,

since young, i've witnessed many deaths, serious illnesses and accidents of family and friends. i still remembered one of my church friends. he dropped off his wife and son at the hospital entrance and went to park the car. while crossing the road towards his wife's direction, a lorry came towards him and smashed into him. i've always wondered how strong must his wife be to witness that and to take care of her son single-handedly. and this lady is one of the most humble, kind and generous lady i've ever met. they live in singapore. and few years back, when my aunt was fighting leukaemia at the hospital, she along with her son will visit my aunt almost every day knowing that my aunt did not have many relatives in singapore. she also made a bird mobile for my aunt's room in singapore. today, my aunt is in heaven with God. but, the kindness of this friend lives in my heart and that of my family.

what i'm trying to say here is, when our loved ones are sick, we can only pray and hope that God's strength and courage be with him or her. whether he/she lives or die, like audrey said earlier, life is fragile. but, we can make the most of it. my other aunt is right now fighting lung cancer. she doesn't smoke at all. she was diagnosed with lung cancer in june 2005. that was a month after gary and i were engaged and set the date for our wedding on 1st january 2006. the doctor gave her 4-6 months to live then. i had a talk with her and asked her whether she would like us to bring our wedding forward. but, she said that since we've already made so many preparations, let it be. then, i told her that she has to fight to live to see me walk down the aisle. and she did. i thank God for that.

for yuko, pray for her... ask God to give her strength, courage and encouragement from family and friends. the little things you do for her will matter a lot.

life is short... love when we all still can. and smile always... that lights up the person next to you.

with love,


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