Bits & Pieces

Bits & Pieces, here & there.... Come join the fun and see what's happening!!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


hey guys, have we abandoned this blog?
what happened to all the happening stuffs?
where are all the "gossipers"?
are we really that busy? or are there no more happening stuffs to be shared?

i know is, od & vp are pretty busy with work these days. it has been such a long time since we get together and really talk & gossip & share. well, not to mention ying2's birthday - cause all the kids were there we didnt had time to actually sit and talk.

i think we should meet up one of these days again...

Friday, September 08, 2006

where are the bloggers?

hmm... i've been checking this blog day in, day out. yet to my dismay :P nobody came in to blog. :(

i guess everyone must be busy... but vp, where is your blog on your trip to hua hin? maybe it wasn't up to your expectation but share it with us so that we will know not to go next time. hehehe! am, you started this blog, so, you of all people should keep up the good work. hahaha! just kidding! od, i know lauren is not well... so, you're forgiven for not blogging. and ss, i hope you're on the road to recovery. either that, you're up and jumping now.

as for me, i've been kinda busy with work. oh my gosh! sometimes, i just need to go home and punch some bags. maybe i should pick up thai kickboxing like what i used to do. every night, by the time i'm done with everything, laundry, dishes, picking up mess, organizing stuff... it's about 10 pm. and if csi is on tv, i'll watch for an hour then read my book. the moment i place the book and my head touches the pillow, i'll doze off to the next morning....

anyway, signing off here.... carpe diem!